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Importation of Savings Transfers

If you've been using another financial software product, and you'd like to import Savings transfers from that product into Loan Performer, you can do so if that product allows you to export to a spreadsheet, dBase or text file. Savings transfers transactions can be imported in three file formats, i.e., dBase, Microsoft Excel or Tab delimited text files. Each of these files has a standard file format on how data should be arranged. You can import the different Savings transfers for Individuals, Businesses, and Groups or Group members. The file structure is the same for all types of Savings transfers.

You have to populate the templates with your own data for the Savings transfers before you import it. You can refer to Savings Importation for further information regarding how the templates should be filled.

The Savings transfers templates can be downloaded from http://www.loanperformer.com/Download/import.rar or got from the Loan Performer working folder under the import file folder, e.g., "C:\LPF81204\External Files\Import" . It will be under the file name Savings Transfers and it looks like the one below:

Note also that when you hover the mouse over the column header, you will get more about the column data.

Importation of data from Microsoft Excel requires that either the date is entered just as a date, e.g., "02/02/2014" – which is only suitable if you have only one transaction per day – or that it is formatted as a date/time field as follows: dd/mm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss in order to allow the time differences.

Complete the template with the required data and then save. The template is ready for importation.

How to Import Savings Transfers

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